ESC Vinyl Sheet Piling



Vinyl Sheet Piling or PVC Sheet Piles are an effective alternative to steel sheet piling for bulkheads, seawalls and cutoff walls. They are also superior to alternative materials like concrete and wood. 

The main advantage of vinyl sheet piles is the superior corrosion resistance when exposed to seawater, where no oxidation occurs. Vinyl sheet piles are also highly resistant to marine borers which make it superior to wooden solutions.

Browse through ESC’s new range of sheet piles, manufactured in facilities in Europe. 

Vinyl Sheet Piling also known as Synthetic Sheet Piling, Plastic Sheet Piles, PVC Sheet Piles are becoming increasingly popular for the construction of bulkheads, seawalls, cut-off and containment barriers due to their many advantage.

  • Light Grey
  • Grey
  • Any color (subject to minimum order quantity)
  • Minimum order for profiles in a color other than Grey – 5500 ft2


vinyl sheet pile made in usa
Section Width Depth Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment Ultimate Stiffness Impact Resistance ASTM 4226 P.A. Weight Cap Compatibility
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kips/ft ft-kips/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lb/in lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
PESC-24-6.4 24 9 0.25 11.2 14.6 69.5 3.9 7.8 26.2 1,500 6.99 3.5 ESC 290
610 230 6.35 72.5 787 9,496 17.3 34.6 246.9 6.7 10.4 17.1
PESC-24-7.6 24 9 0.30 13 17.4 80.9 4.6 9.2 30.5 1,500 8.13 4.06 ESC 290
610 230 7.62 83.8 935 11,053 20.6 41.1 287.4 6.7 12.1 19.8
PESC-24-9.0 24 9 0.35 14.8 20.1 92.2 5.4 10.7 34.8 1,500 9.21 4.61 ESC 290
610 230 9.0 95.2 1,081 12,593 23.8 47.6 327.4 6.7 13.7 22.5



Section Width Depth Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment Ultimate Stiffness Impact Strength Charpy Test Weight Profile
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kips/ft ft-kips/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lbs/ft2 lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
ESC-GW600-5.5 23.9 3.5 0.22 6.4 1.6 2.8 0.43 0.86 1.1 ≥ 14.3 3.97 1.99 Jagged
608 88 5.5 41.1 87 385 1.9 3.8 9.9 ≥ 30 5.9 9.7
ESC-GW300-5.5 11.8 4.5 0.22 4.6 5.9 13.5 1.6 3.2 5.1 ≥ 14.3 2.89 2.92 Double U
300 115 5.5 29.7 320 1842 7 14.1 47.9 ≥ 30 4.3 14.3
ESC-GW460-5.5 18.1 5.1 0.22 6.6 6.7 18.5 1.8 3.6 7 ≥ 14.3 4.17 2.75 Box
460 130 5.5 42.9 360 2,527 7.9 15.8 65.7 ≥ 30 6.2 13.4
ESC-GW270-5.5 10.6 6.1 0.22 3.4 6.9 23.9 1.8 3.6 9 ≥ 14.3 2.15 2.43 Z
270 155.5 5.5 22.3 369 3,266 8.1 16.3 84.9 ≥ 30 3.2 11.9
ESC-GW610-6.4 23.9 7.1 0.25 9.7 11.4 40.4 3 6.1 15.2 ≥ 14.3 6.45 3.05 Box
606 180 6.4 62.6 613 5,514 13.5 27 143.4 ≥ 30 9.6 14.9
ESC-GW610-7.2 23.9 7.9 0.28 11.3 14.4 56.7 3.8 7.7 21.4 ≥ 14.3 7.19 3.56 Box
606 200 7.2 73.1 774 7,743 17 34.1 201.3 ≥ 30 10.7 17.4
ESC-GW565-9.0 22.2 9.6 0.35 11.3 19.4 93.5 5.2 10.3 35.3 ≥ 14.3 7.06 3.8 Z
565 245 9 72.9 1,042 12,768 22,9 45.8 332 ≥ 30 10.5 18.6
ESC-GW610-9.0 23.9 9.1 0.35 14.8 20.6 93.4 5.5 11 35.2 ≥ 14.3 9.14 4.64 Box
606 230 9 95.3 1,109 12,758 24.4 48.8 331.7 ≥ 30 13.6 22.6
ESC-GW290-7.0 11.4 9.4 0.28 7.3 22 110.3 5,9 11.7 41.6 ≥ 14.3 4.64 4.78 Z
290 240 7 47.6 1,228 15,429 27 54 401.2 ≥ 30 6.9 23.6
ESC-GW290-9.0 11.4 9.4 0.35 9.3 27.2 137.2 7.2 14.4 51.7 ≥ 14.3 5.78 6.09 Z
290 240 9 59.8 1,462 18,739 32.2 64.3 487.2 ≥ 30 8.6 29.7
ESC-GW458-10.4 18 10 0.41 13.6 28.7 151.7 7.6 15.2 57.2 ≥ 14.3 8.47 5.65 Z
458 254 10.4 87.7 1,542 20,718 33.9 67.8 538.7 ≥ 30 12.6 27.6
ESC-GW350-9.0 13.8 9.8 0.35 11.1 31.8 160 8.3 16.9 60.3 ≥ 14.3 6.92 7.28 Z
350 250 9 71.4 1,685 21,203 37.1 74.2 551.3 ≥ 30 10.3 29.4
ESC-GW290-11.0 11.4 9.4 0.43 11.1 31.8 160 8.3 16.9 60.3 ≥ 14.3 6.92 7.28 Z
290 240 11 71.6 1,711 21,851 37.6 75.3 568.1 ≥ 30 10.3 35.5
ESC-GW458-12.0 18 10 0.47 15.2 31.9 168 8.5 17 63.3 ≥ 14.3 9.48 6.3 Z
458 254 12 97.8 1,717 22,937 37.8 75.5 596.4 ≥ 30 14.1 30.7

* Kindly click on the section title to download the datasheet.


Section Width Height Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment Ultimate Stiffness Impact Strength Charpy Test Weight Profile
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kip/ft ft-kip/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lbs/ft2 lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
ESC-GW300-FR 11.8 4.5 0.22 4.6 5.9 13.5 1.6 3.2 6.8 ≥ 14.3 2.96 3.04 Hybrid Double U
300 115 5.5 29.7 320 1,842 7 14.1 64.5 ≥ 30 4.4 14.8
ESC-GW350-FR 13.8 9.8 0.35 11.1 31.3 155.3 8.3 16.7 96.8 ≥ 14.3 7.19 6.26 Hybrid Z
350 250 9 71.4 1,685 21,203 37.1 74.2 912 ≥ 30 10.7 30.6

Comparison to Other Materials

Type of Profile Vinyl(PVC) Steel Concrete Wood
Low High Medium Low
Light Heavy Very Heavy Medium
Resistance to Corrosion
High Low N/A N/A
Resistance to Chemicals & Sea Water Environment
High Low High Low
Resistance to Cracking & Spalling
High High Medium N/A
Environmentally Friendly
Yes Yes No No
High Low Medium Medium
Easy Easy Difficult Moderate
Design Flexibility
High High Moderate High

Material Standards

ASTM ISO Min. Value / Range
ISO 1183-3 86-92 lb/ft
Flexural Strength
ASTM D790 ISO 178 9572.49 psi
Shore Durometer
ISO 868 75 Shore D
Modulus of Elasticity
ASTM D638 ISO 178/527-2 379998.9 psi
Tensile Strength
ASTM D638 6381.66 psi
Izod Impact Strength
ASTM D256 4.28 ft-lb/in2
Charpy Impact Strength
ISO 179-1 14.27 ft-lb/in2
Vicat Softening Temp.
ASTM D648 ISO 306 170˚F


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