ESC Vinyl Sheet Piling

Hybrid Type Vinyl Sheet Piles

Hybrid Type Vinyl Sheet Piling Supply

Hybrid Type. These are designed to fit specific, hybrid needs. They can be a combination of any of the other vinyl sheet pile types.

ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles do not corrode because no oxidation occurs when exposed to seawater. They are also highly resistant to marine borers and are designed and manufactured with the intent of them lasting a minimum of 50 years, barring external stress from pressure or impact.

PVC sheet piles is known for its attractive and consistent appearance. No matter what vinyl sheet pile types you decide to go with, you will be getting a highly attractive product that is consistent throughout the run of pilings. That consistency will also last the duration of the sheet piles’ lifespan.


Section Width Depth Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment Ultimate Stiffness Impact Strength Charpy Test Weight Profile
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kip/ft ft-kip/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lbs/ft2 lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
ESC-GW300-FR 11.8 4.5 0.22 4.6 5.9 13.5 1.6 3.2 6.8 ≥ 14.3 2.96 3.04 Hybrid Double U
300 115 5.5 29.7 320 1,842 7 14.1 64.5 ≥ 30 4.4 14.8
ESC-GW350-FR 13.8 9.8 0.35 11.1 31.3 155.3 8.3 16.7 96.8 ≥ 14.3 7.19 6.26 Hybrid Z
350 250 9 71.4 1685 21,203 37.1 74.2 912 ≥ 30 10.7 30.6


pvc sheet piles
plastic sheet piling