ESC Vinyl Sheet Piling


Geotechnical piling for transmisivity

The tightness of locks in the vinyl sheet piling walls depends on the following factors:

  • The shape of a lock, which can elongate or reduce the distance travelled by water.
  • The width of a single vinyl sheet pile. The wider the section, the lower the number of locks per unit of length of the wall, e.g. by replacing 11.81in (300 mm) width piles with 23.86in (606 mm) piles, the leaking factor of the wall will be reduced by the factor of two.
  • The PVC material is engineered with special compounds for resistance to harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • The hydrostatic pressure affecting the wall. The higher the pressure, the lower the possibility of clogging of locks.
  • The stress levels at the locks’ contact area. The higher the tightness and the pressure on the locks’ wall surfaces, the smaller the occurring gaps, therefore, rendering the flow of water through the lock limited.

Sheet piling for special purposes

Some strategic investment projects require of full water-tightness of the vinyl sheet piling constructions. In response to the needs expressed by customers, a specialized tightening solution based on the use of gaskets was specifically designed for this purpose. The gaskets are made out of soft PVC and co extruded into the locks during the manufacturing process. Their shape is determined by the type of the vinyl sheet piles.