ESC Vinyl Sheet Piling


Composite FRP ESC-GC-FR

ESC’s Composite sheet piling is more corrosion resistant, lighter to handle and will more often provide significant cost-savings with supply, transportation and during installation. ESC’s Composite piling is stronger than the standard vinyl profiles. They are an efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly alternative to steel, concrete and even timber sheet piling in the likes of flood walls, marine structures, seepage barriers and more.







Section Section width Section depth Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment EI Stiffness Ultimate Stiffness Impact Strength Charpy Test Weight
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kips/ft ft-kips/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lbs/ft2 lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
ESC-GC458-FR 18.0 8.0 0.25 6.6 12.9 51.79 14.61 29.41 235.6 294.5 ≥ 14.3 6.14 4.10
457 203 6.4 42.6 696 7,072 65 130.8 2,218 2,773 ≥30 9.1 20.0
ESC-GC510-FR 20.0 10.0 0.34 11.21 22.7 113.37 34.19 68.81 515.8 644.7 ≥14.3 9.15 5.49
508 254 8.7 72.3 1,219 15,481 152.1 306.1 4,856 6,070 ≥30 13.6 26.8
ESC-GC610-FR 14 14 0.43 16.6 37.1 259.92 78.95 158.9 1,182.5 1,478.2 ≥14.3 13.4 6.7
356 356 10.9 107.1 1,994 35,494 351.2 706.8 11,134 13,918 ≥30 19.9 32.7
ESC-GC760-FR 30.0 17.0 0.54 24.65 58.2 494.88 80.75 162.51 1,746.7 2,183.3 ≥14.3 21.5 8.6
762 432 13.7 159.0 3,130 67,580 359.2 722.9 16,446 20,557 ≥30 32 42

* Kindly click on the section title to download the datasheet.

Superlock FRP ESC-GW-FR

SuperLock system is the new generation of composite sheet piling made of PVC reinforced with fiber glass. The new Superlock composite gives the best value for your money. SuperLock retains all the advantages of vinyl sheet piling combined with reinforced strength and stiffness allowing for a broader scope of applications which had traditionally been reserved to steel sheet piling.

  • An innovative composition of PVC and fiber-glass sealed together with a thermo-plastic matrix
  • Composite material with significantly higher technical parameters than PVC and much broader scope of application.
  • Strength and stiffness parameters comparable with light steel piling with all the advantages of PVC sheet piling.