ESC Vinyl Sheet Piling


PESC Vinyl Sheet Pile

PESC-24 vinyl sheet pile, is a box profile that offers unmatched versatility and innovative characteristics that promote durability and excellent resistance to corrosion, impact, and ultraviolet rays. This product is designed to provide superior performance in a wide range of soil and environmental conditions, making it ideal for permanent applications. Additionally, its lightweight nature allows for easy handling and installation, reducing overall project time and labor costs. Vinyl sheet piles manufactured by Pietrucha ESC Inc. meet the following industry standards:

ASTM D8427-21: Standard Specification for Rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Exterior Profiles Used for Sheet Piling;  USACE EM 1110-2-2502: US Army Corps of Engineers Specification for Flood Walls  and other Hydraulic Retaining Walls; Other Local and National Specifications

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PESC vinyl sheet pile manufacturing


Section Width Depth Thickness Cross Section Area Section Modulus Moment of Inertia Allowable Moment Ultimate Moment Ultimate Stiffness Impact Resistance ASTM 4226 P.A. Weight Cap Compatibility
(W) (H) (T) Per Pile Per Wall
in in in in2 in3/ft in4/ft ft-kips/ft ft-kips/ft ibf-in2 x106/ft ft-lb/in lb/ft lb/ft2
mm mm mm cm2 cm3/m cm4/m kNm/m kNm/m kNm2/m kJ/m2 kg/m kg/m2
PESC-24-6.4 24 9 0.25 11.2 14.6 69.5 3.9 7.8 26.2 1,500 6.99 3.5 ESC 290
610 230 6.35 72.5 787 9,496 17.3 34.6 246.9 6.7 10.4 17.1
PESC-24-7.6 24 9 0.30 13 17.4 80.9 4.6 9.2 30.5 1,500 8.13 4.06 ESC 290
610 230 7.62 83.8 935 11,053 20.6 41.1 287.4 6.7 12.1 19.8
PESC-24-9.0 24 9 0.35 14.8 20.1 92.2 5.4 10.7 34.8 1,500 9.21 4.61 ESC 290
610 230 9.0 95.2 1,081 12,593 23.8 47.6 327.4 6.7 13.7 22.5